Culturally it is important for me to recognize mentors who has supported me to grow into the scholar and human I am today. I have learned from so many people and many who continue to influence my work. The following are special mentions of significant supporters and influencers in my life, in the order they began walking with me on my journey. I can honestly say I would not be the same person or scholar without their time, care, energy, and teachings.
I am inspired by Jo-Ann Archibald’s concept of “Hands back, Hands forward” in sharing these folks with you.
kinanâskamonitawâw to all of those who have supported me to become the best language advocate, researcher and writer I can be.
Jo-Anne Lee
Christine Welsh
Jessica Ball
Monique Gray Smith
Kim Anderson
Leanne Hinton
Jan Hare
Patsy Duff
Late Carl Leggo
Jo-ann Archibald Q’um Q’um Xiiem
Graham Hingangaroa Smith
Marie Battiste
Anne Marshall
Helen Raptis
Ewa Czaykowska-Higgins
Marianne Ignace
Late T’łat’laḵuł Trish Rosborough
Joan Greyeyes
Charlotte Loppie
Jackie Ballantyne